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2023-11-05 阅读
本文摘要:Scientists have discovered why cockroaches love filthy conditions and what makes them so hard to kill — and apparently, its all in their DNA.科学家们早已找到了为什么蟑螂讨厌可怕的环境,以及是什么使得它们如此无法被杀菌--很显著,原因都不存在于它们的DNA中。

Scientists have discovered why cockroaches love filthy conditions and what makes them so hard to kill — and apparently, its all in their DNA.科学家们早已找到了为什么蟑螂讨厌可怕的环境,以及是什么使得它们如此无法被杀菌--很显著,原因都不存在于它们的DNA中。Researchers say they have identified specific genes which allow the critters to do anything from eating toxic food to regrowing limbs.研究人员称之为,他们早已找到了一些特定的基因,这些基因可以让这些生物从不吃剧毒食物到再造四肢,无所不能。

Shuai Zhan, of the Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology in Shanghai, says the American cockroach has one of the largest genomes known to exist among insects.上海植物生理生态研究所的詹帅回应,美国蟑螂的基因组是昆虫中未知的仅次于基因组之一。The omnivorous scavenger is ones of the largest insect species to live in such close proximity to humans, but also has the exact same number of genes as us — thats 20,000 in all.这种杂食性的食腐动物是与人类近距离生活的仅次于昆虫物种之一,但也有和我们一样的基因数量--总共是2万个。

After studying their DNA, Zhan discovered cockroaches have genes which allow them to sense smells from food, especially fermented food.在研究了它们的DNA后,詹帅找到蟑螂享有能让它们感官食物气味的基因,尤其是烘烤食物的味道。They also have genes to combat infections, which makes roaches resilient to dirty living conditions and others allowing them to grow back broken limbs.另外,它们还有对付病毒感染的基因,这使得蟑螂需要适应环境可怕的生存环境,而其他基因则能让它们再造断肢。

Scientists last year discovered that female cockroaches dont need a male partner as they can reproduce for years without mating.科学家们于去年找到,雌性蟑螂不必须雄性伴侣,因为它们可以在不交配的情况下自行后代很多年。



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