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因侵犯iPhone专利 三星被判向苹果赔偿5.39亿美元:kaiyun体育·官方网
2024-03-15 阅读
本文摘要:Samsung must pay Apple $539 million for infringing five patents with Android phones it sold in 2010 and 2011, a jury decided last Thursday in a legal fight that dates back seven years.一陪审团在上周四就一起可以追溯到七年前的法律诉讼做出裁决:三星于2010年、2011年出售的安卓手机,因侵害iPhone五项专利,所以要向苹果公司赔偿金5.39亿美元。

Samsung must pay Apple $539 million for infringing five patents with Android phones it sold in 2010 and 2011, a jury decided last Thursday in a legal fight that dates back seven years.一陪审团在上周四就一起可以追溯到七年前的法律诉讼做出裁决:三星于2010年、2011年出售的安卓手机,因侵害iPhone五项专利,所以要向苹果公司赔偿金5.39亿美元。The unanimous decision, in the US District Court in San Jose in the heart of Silicon Valley, is just about halfway between what the two largest mobile phone makers had sought in a high-profile case that reaches back to 2011.在硅谷中心的圣何塞美国地区法院得出的这一完全一致的判决,只是这两家仅次于的手机制造商在2011年备受瞩目的案件中的一部分。

The bulk of the damages payment, $533,316,606, was for infringing three Apple design patents. The remaining $5,325,050 was for infringing two utility patents.三星因侵害苹果的三项设计专利而赔偿金的533,316,606美元,是赔偿金金额中的一大部分。剩下的5,325,050美元是对侵害两项简单专利而展开的赔偿金。

Samsung already had been found to infringe the patents, but this trial determined some of the damages.三星之前就早已被找到侵害了这些专利,这次的裁决就是确认一些损害赔偿。The jurys rationale isnt clear, but the figure is high enough to help cement the importance of design patents in the tech industry.该陪审团的判决论据尚能不确切,但这个金额的数字低到不足以协助稳固科技行业设计专利的重要性。Thats good news for designers in Silicon Valley, where Apple products like the iPhone and MacBook have helped elevate designs role in product success.这对硅谷的设计师来说是个好消息,苹果公司的产品,如iPhone和MacBook,早已在提高设计在产品顺利的重要性中起着了促进作用。



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